The Fortnightly Club of Brenham has announced the winners of its annual Christmas Home and Door Decorating Contest.

First and second place winners for the best Religious Yard were Donnie Reynolds at 1304 Prairie Lea Street and Shirley Russell at 503 Hillside Drive.

Carl Kasparek at 2405 Corey Street won first place for most Fun Yard, while Alois and Karen Gurka at 2404 Brookbend Drive won second place.  Deborah Boudoin at 802 East 6th Street received an honorable mention.

In the Elegant Yard category, Franklin Hensen at 2703 Victory Lane won first place, and Herman and Sarah Schramm at 1111 Walnut Bend won second place.

Winner of best Religious Door was Glen Vierus at 105 West 2nd Street, while Craig and Sandy Wiesepape at 1209 Tom Dee Street won most Fun Door.

A total of 22 homes entered into this year's contest.

Donnie Reynolds at 1304 Prairie Lea Street won first place for best Religious Yard.
Shirley Russell at 503 Hillside Dr. won second place best Religious Yard.
Carl Kasparek at 2405 Corey St. won first place for most Fun Yard.
Alois and Karen Gurka at 2404 Brookbend Dr. won second place for most Fun Yard.
Deborah Boudoin at 802 East 6th St. received honorable mention Fun Yard.
Franklin Hensen at 2703 Victory Ln. won first place in Elegant Yard.
Herman and Sarah Schramm at 1111 Walnut Bend won second place Elegant Yard.
Glen Vierus at 105 West 2nd St. won first place Best Religious Door.
Craig and Sandy Wiesepape at 1209 Tom Dee St. won most Fun Door.


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